Saturday Vigil 4:30 pm
Sunday 9:30 am
Monday - Friday 8:30 am
Eucharistic Adoration takes place on
Wednesday after the 8:30 am Mass until 6:30 pm
Each Month the St Thomas More Outreach Team collects donations for the needy in our local community.
At St. Thomas More, our vibrant Music Ministry enriches worship through the harmonious offerings of traditional and contemporary sounds. The St. Thomas More Choir brings depth and reverence for each Mass with their rich, classical arrangements, while our dynamic contemporary St. Thomas More Guitar Group infuses a modern, uplifting energy for each Mass. Together, these two ensembles create a diverse and uplifting musical experience that helps parishioners lift their hearts and minds to God.
Our Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) meets weekly on Sundays beginning at 8:10 am. Children in grades 1-7 are welcome to join us.
Do you or a loved one need prayers?
Please contact the parish office to include your prayer intention for private prayer or inclusion in our Sunday Bulletin.
If you are over the age of 14 and unbaptized and are seeking Baptism/Or Baptized but seeking to be fully initiated into the Catholic Church, then consider meeting with us to explore what God may be asking of you.
We are a dedicated group of Parish Men serving our Pastor at Saint Thomas More with vocations, parish life, our families and youth. We raise funds and provide manpower to support the numerous STM parish, local charities and vocations.
We encourage you to sign up for our electronic newsletter. Your email is safe with us. Each month you will have the opportunity to connect with the many liturgical, spiritual, social and outreach activities at St Thomas More . Don't miss out!
Altar servers, both adults and children who have completed 3rd grade are needed to serve. Training is available to Adults who are interested in being a lector or distributing the Holy Eucharist to the homebound. Contact the parish office to learn more.
The book club meets on the second Thursday of the month after the 8:30 am Mass in the social hall from September to June. Members choose the books in advance and, if they desire, they can be purchased for the year. Books are read every other month and movies are watched on the opposite months.
Members watch them at home for discussion at the meetings. In depth discussions on some books have required weekly meetings.
Parish Giving is our easy and convenient way to give your gift to our parish each week or month. We accept credit cards or EFT. Sign up today!
The Saint Thomas More Homeschool Cooperative meets Tuesdays and Fridays in the Parish School Wing from 9:15 am - 2:30 pm
The Office for the New Evangelization is a part of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, the local Catholic Church of the city of Philadelphia and the surrounding four counties. We assist Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez in sharing with others the good news about Jesus Christ and the salvation, joy and happiness that he brings to the human person and to life as a whole.